Monday, November 30, 2009

Youtube maintance

Youtube is down for maintenance just thought we'd let you know. Wonder what new feature they have for us this time.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Shoutitout hits 1,000 Shouts!

Shoutitout the new website has hit 1,000 shouts. Like Tweets, Shouts are a small life update there are now 1,038 but the 1,000th Shout was sometimes yesterday.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Uhhmm new skins (Pics)

Uhhmm the growing in popularity search engine has go live with a mob of new skins 3 actually there is "Aqua smile" (the favoriet of about everybody), Jelly fish, and Color dots. They all bring the Uhhmm out and we think there pretty cool.
Color Dots:
Jelly Fish:
And everyones favorite Aqua Smile:

Monday, November 23, 2009

LinkedIn launches API

As rumors continue to swirl around LinkedIn’s possible IPO, the professional social network is steadily adding useful features that help transcend the platform’s technology into other applications.

LinkedIn recently launched two-way integration with Twitter and also rolled out a plug-in to pull in your LinkedIn contacts within Microsoft Outlook. And today, LinkedIn is opening upits API to start letting developers make applications that tap into LinkedIn’s social network.

While LinkedIn is releasing 11 different APIs, they fall into three distinct categories. First, developers will be able to let users easily access their information, profiles, connections and messages via oAuth login. The second functionality is to give users the ability to make actionable decisions about information, but letting them message their LinkedIn contacts, post updates, accept contacts and more. And the third piece of the puzzle is search. So developers will now be able to embed LinkedIn search in other applications. The social network’s search engine was re-launched last year and has done over one billion queries in this year alone.

Over the past year, LinkedIn has made select business development partnerships with technology companies for integrations, such as IBM, Microsoft, Research In Motion, and Twitter. While these partnerships created additional channels for LinkedIn’s platform, the opening up of the social network’s API is no doubt going to expand its presence across the web, perhaps representing a new level of growth for the social network.

LinkedIn has already tested the API with several developers and applications are already going to be launching in the near future. Twitter, MySpace and Facebook client TweetDeck will be integrated with LinkedIn in its next version. From the client, you’ll be able to see a stream of updates from your contacts, view profiles of contacts and comment and message contacts directly from TweetDeck. Posterous,, and Ribbit will all launch LinkedIn integrations in the near future as well.

LinkedIn’s VP of search and platform products, Adam Nash, told me that over the past year, the network has received 4,000 requests from developers to integrate LinkedIn with their applications. Nash says that this is the first step for LinkedIn to become an open ecosystem and there are future plans for additional APIs to be released down the line.

50 million users strong, LinkedIn could expand its already powerful growth with development of third-party applications. It’s a no-brainer for LinkedIn to open up its API. As Twitter’s platform has shown, an open ecosystem produces innovative and sometimes, extremely popular, products around a product. And it doesn’t hurt to have a loyal developer community as well.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Toontown search launched

Toontownsearch a new search engine that lets you search "All things Toontown" Has gone live. It is a search made by Uhhmm and Disney and is designed to search videos and web pages that have to do with Toontown online. Heres a video to show you how to use it.

Myspace gets a new homepage (Photos)

Myspace the popular social network has re done its homepage and we think its AWESOME!!
Picture of it

Now you have to be a user of Myspace to see this homepage aside from pictures but trust us its wroth joining just for it

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wikipedia going bankrupt?

Is Wikipedia going bankrupt? They've started advertising on their site for people to donate to them. Also with the falling economy and no other way to make money it is highly possible. If they are going bankrupt what will happen when they collapse threw? Will someone like Google, Yahoo, Uhhmm, or Microsoft buy them? If they do fall threw one thing is for sure we will have a bidding war on our hands. But then its also possible its just there new board member creator a Craigslist being his normal strange self.
Picture of the advertisement

What I want for Christmas is my corporate Twitter account

Thats right Twitter is launching accounts... that cost money... by the end of the year! Now don't worry you can still get your free account OR you can get your new and improved "corporate account" This is taking advantage of corporate advertisement and use of Twitter by some corporate companies such as Coke and Star bucks but the question is will people by theses accounts or stick to the old ones? They must think everyone will switch over... or at-lest the business will but still I think there getting to pushy for money... Gosh, the economy these days.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Twitter now in French

Twitter the monster micro-blogging site has now opened a French version of their site, thats right you can now view Twitter in French. Its just in time for Le web to.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Myspace to buy iMeem

Myspace the large social network has bough iMeem a music social network and most of its assets for a rumored somewhere around 1 million dollars. About half of iMeems employes will be working for Myspace the other half will be "let go." The one question is will their service live on or will it fade into nothingness like it was thought Myspace was turning into and FreindFeed is showing the first signs of doing. Well, according to sources thats up to the record labels. As far as we know none of the deals with the record labels are being terminated and Myspace intends to push iMeem on so it will still stay live and busy. launched

Farmville the popular Facebook game app has launched its own website portal at it has a forum links to there Twitter videos from Youtube an About section to tell you what the point of Farmville is and other things with the Facebook interference.

Monday, November 16, 2009 to charge to listen to songs more than 3 times is beta testing a feature that charges you to listen to a song more than 3 times. We're 100% this will kill them because people will just go to sites like Youtube and Project playlist not we don't like it either we like our music listening free!

Now they do let you listen to the middle 30 seconds of the song but thats not the same. I vote we go on strike! No but i'm not using nearly as much for sure!

AOL and Time warner break up

After a decade AOL will once again be a independent company on December 9th when Time Warner will spin off shares. The shares will be spun using this formula: one share of AOL will be distributed for every 11 shares held in Time Warner. AOL will be worth about 3.4 billon so thats a decrees from when Google gave back its 5% share and even more a decrees since the original merger between AOL and Time Warner.

Project Playlist beta (Pictures)

Project Playlist
a popular music social network has gone into its beta mode here are a few pictures.

The new profile pages:

New Playlist though they only show up this way on there site:Pretty neat guys they've also added new features like top 10 Playlist today but we'll let you see them for yourself!

Twitters new HQ (Pictures)

Today Twitter moved into a new HQ here are some pictures taken by employes

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cars like to swim too! (Video)

Police say a low-flying pelican distracted a driver in Texas, causing him to veer off a road and drive his million-dollar Bugatti Veyron sports car into a salt marsh.

WWW Awards

The WWW awards started at midnight today and they have gone off with a blast the voting goes on till the 31st of December you can vote once a day till then. What comes after that we don't know.

Facebook group Hijack attack

The hacker wars continues another group as been hacked on Facebook.
The Hijackers sent this message.
"Hello, we hereby announce that we have officially hijacked your Facebook group.

"This means we control a certain part of the information about you on Facebook. If we wanted we could make you appear in a bad way which could damage your image severly [sic].

Is it just us or are the hijacking and hack attacks increasing recently? Twitter, Facebook, Shoutitout? Weird isn't it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The roll out continues Uhhmmgames V.2 now live

Uhhmmgames a not very popular branch of Uhhmm was manly used by the users of Teenspace V.2 a site for the teens to hang out on has upgraded. It used to only have one link in the entire Uhhmm data base to it, that link was from the Teenspace home page. It has now upgraded and has links on all the Uhhmm home pages and other skins. The reason for this is because of this V.2 it is now a search engine and an arcade you can search for games on any game site or play games right there on the Uhhmm arcade.
(Clink to enlarge)
It appears that Uhhmm has no plans as to losing the roll out fight.

Shoutitout is fixed FINALLY!

Shoutitout the small but growing microblogging site has finally been fixed. For the last 12 days it has been having issues were replies to shouts end up on-top of the original shout or new shouts end up underneath the shout that should be moving down. These issues have finally been fixed and users are happy because these issues have been pestering people for the past 12 days. Lets just hope next time they have issues they can fix them faster.

Bing adds

Bing the new Microsoft search engine has come out with yet another feature. You can now search the popular mathematical site Wolfframalpha to get your math answers on Bing this is a good deal for the slowly growing mathematical search engine. It seems all the search engines are rolling out there new features this month.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Webs is down... again

Update: Webs is back up again but in maintenance mode.

Webs a popular site builder is down... again. After going down yesterday because of a proxy error it is down today due to an internet server company having issues. The estimated up time is 2pm eastern time. They have been down for about all day. This is the key to other popular site builders such as Wix and Yola to push there way to the top.

Tweetglide is now open LIVE

Tweetglide the new Twitter app has officialy gone live and is already being used by many people. It is a downloadable app. that lets you add tweets look at other peoples tweet or there profiles also you can read privet messages we have one here is what it looks like
(Click to enlarge)
We like it very much our biggest problem with it so far is WE CAN'T GET IT TO OPEN!
We have several windows open so thats probably why.

Google launches "Go" a website programing language

Google has launched its own website programing language. Such as HTML and PHP Google has launched "Go" they hope it will combine new software development with speed never the less sites like Yahoo and Ask have something to say to you Google STOP MAKING THINGS THAT ARE SO GOOD WE CAN'T KEEP UP!! Google has bought two companies come out with a music search AND made their own coding language. What next they come out with there own air plain line?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Shoutitout still messed up after 10 days

Shoutitout the new microblogging world has been having some moderate issues for the past 10! Days and there still giving Safari, Ophera, And Chrome browser users issues. So heres some pictures of the issues so if you're on there site and see them you know that everyone is seeing them...


Update: They let us use the Toontown search (Shown in picture below) search since we already new about it its very fast and god the video search thought... that is just amazing. We are however not allowed to post photos of the site. Sorry

(Rumor) The small USA large German search engine Uhhmm has had rumors leak out of its staff that Uhhmm and Disney's game section have come to a partnership and are creating a search engine designed to focus on each of these games. Toontown online, Club Penguin, Pixie Hallow, and other games such as those this is not confirmed but we have confirmed that the search is being built by Uhhmm at lest because our source gave us this photo.We know its hard to see but trust us its what it shorta looks like. So Uhhmm comes out with a msuic AND lyrics search that is realesed the day before the buying of Admob by Google and a week or two after Googles music search reales plus this new search do we smell a rivalry gonig on here?

Google buys Admob

Google announced today that it was buying a mobile add site admob for 750 million this is Googles biggest buy since they bought Double Click for 3.1 billon and there 3rd biggest EVER leader of course being the one and only Youtube which they bought for 1.65 billion my only question is... IS THERE ANYTHING GOOGLE DOSNT OWN PPART OF?

Webs is down

Update: " Outage Update - Sites are restoring back up and the slowness should clear up in another few minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience everyone!" -Webs
Update: "Outage Update - We have restored back the ability for you to log in and edit sites on (although you might still see some issues). Working to restore back the member sites & bring things back to normal." Webs just announced this.

Webs the popular site builder is down and offline all the sites they host on a .webs server are down as well if you try and go on one of them it will says

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.

Reason: Error reading from remote serve

Or something like that. So webs users your sites down but they have announced they are aware of the issue and working fast to track and fix the problem.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Iphone Worm

If you have a jailbreak iphone you could be in trouble. Thats right there is an intristing worm out it goes on phones that havn't cahnged tehre password after a SSH and changes the background into a picture of Rick Astley then goes to find other people to infect

Uhhmm music ANd lyrics search

Yahoo: We're coming out with a music search! Google: We now have a music search Uhhmm: We are having a MUSIC AND LYRICS search what now Google and Yahoo.
Thats right after 2 of the major search engines come out with a music search a smaller search engine comes out with a music AND lyrics search they posted some preview pics nothing fancy yet but our sources say they just started the project yesterday so we might not see it in testing for a while.

We know there hard to see, but they have labels that separate the lyrics and music from each other or you can just click one or the other and it will only search sites labeled with that one.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Shoutiout fixed... Oh really?

Shoutiout announced yesterday that after 6 days of fighting site issues they repaired there site and put that as a update on there blog well guess what! There having issues again well atlest issues have been reported they have not accnoleged yet that they are working onfixing these issues but trust me there gonig on when we posted our link to our recent blog entrie this happened
en less they've decided to just put pictures behind the shouts that happened erler? Why does every microblogging site have issues like these?

Google Music search

Last week rumors got out that Google Lastfm Myspace and other sites were teaming up to make a search engine to enrich the Google experience but it does more than just find music it offers audio streaming one click buying and many more things. Here is something that will happen once this comes out to the open web.
1. Itunes store popularity will decrees
With Google allowing you to buy music from almost any music site the apple itunes store will seem like its small.

2. Myspace is back
This will most likely incress myspace users and gives myspace a BIG help that is needed they have been falling this might be their break threw to get back to the top.

3. Google will crush Yahoo even more
Besides the fact that Yahoo came out with a music search a few days ago it will smash Yahoo into the ground even more as if Yahoo can't make something then days later Google comes out with the same thing.

4. Drop in users by sties like Playlist?
So heres the question with this new amazing search engine will sites who didn't get in on this deal like Playlist lose there newly found popularity from this search engine and other sites like lastfm take over. Or will they still continue to grow?

Shoutitout UN official launch of #subscribesaturday

Shoutitout users have decided to lucnch there own specail day simular to the #candycrazahthrusday and #temperaturetuesday it will be #subscribesaturday liek #followfriday on twitter the main shoutitout account has not yet confirmed that they will advertise this new day but knowing them as soon as they see it they will start advertising it



Some of this content is not ours and is taken from other sites. Uhhmmnews (c)