Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shoutitout events, when are the coming and what will they be like?

We know Shoutitout events are planned to launch sometime in September, when, we have no clue. We also have no clue what events will look like. All we do know is that there will be a schedule. If it will be a layout like Google calenders or like Facebook events we don't know either. However, we can guess. First of when they will come out, rumors report they will come out on the 1st,2nd,10th,15th,18th, or 30th which doesn't help. We are using logic to guess sometime around the 15th because that is dead middle of September. Another thing is what exactly will they be like? We don't think they will be exactly like Google Calender though they may have some similarities they don't want to anger there new partners. We think if they are going to anger someone by knocking off of them it will defiantly be Facebook. Facebook recently partnered with all of there location competition but not them with Facebook places so we know that can't make them fans. Or will they launch something completely new? Our guess is that they will have something like Google Calenders hosting all the events but may create pages like the have for places already for e very separate event as well. We are only guess though, what are your thoughts?

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